About, a division of REcentral, LLC, has provided real estate professionals, accountants, lawyers, and escrow/title companies with unique and informative financial solutions and forms on the internet since 1999.

Before the widespread use of computers, REcentral, LLC provided financial analysis since 1975 through an educational environment for real estate agents and accountants continuing education courses.

In our most recent version of RealtyCALC, we have implemented a method of sending financial forms to clients through email or text messages. We provide "short links" to the end user to avoid lengthy URL's that get broken in the sending process. This shortened link procedure is proprietary to REcentral, LLC.

Also, in this current version of our proprietary financial forms, we are offering the use of another user-friendly website, With this website, we offer the same forms but also offer a html editor to personalize your webpage and offer you a customized username.

Your customized username can also be utilized with RealtyCALC, along with its personalization of your photo and logo at the top and bottom of each form you send to your clients.

© 2025
A Division of REcentral, LLC
All rights reserved